Magne Skjæran highlights some of the modding and optimization improvements to arrive in 2.8 Magne "Meneth" Skjæran talks about the process of bug fixing, from discovery to release Magne "Meneth" Skjæran goes over the current team line-up and expands on their roles Minor, but flavorful, changes and fixes to Manichean, Khurmazta, Nestorian and India's Holy OrdersĪ new "honorary title" called Teacher (for those pesky kids) and plans for an open beta over the summer vacation Siege Assault game rule, and an "unjustified war"
Dictionary of Chinese Characters: New Chinese and Tibetan portraits and Chinese units bring the empire to life.Rally Points: Instruct your levies to automatically gather up exactly where you want them.Booty and the East: Collect wondrous new Chinese artifacts for your characters, and explore a new Silk Road system that adjusts returns based on China’s stability.Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere: Disgruntled princes or curious adventurers may leave China to seek their own fortune to the west.Kow-tow For Now: Submit to the Empire as a tributary, always keeping an eye on the waning power of the Emperor, so you can time your escape to freedom.
The Imperial Majesty Request: A new “ China Screen” lays out the status and desires of the Emperor of China, letting you keep tabs on what he wants and how to earn his grace.